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    ​BASF recognized as second most innovative construction supplier

    Construction Business News has recognized BASF as the second construction supplier in terms of innovation in the Middle East

    Construction Business News, from BNC Publishing, have included BASF Construction Chemicals in the top  10 construction suppliers in the Middle East  in terms of innovation in their April issue, 2016.

    In the second position -and as first construction chemicals supplier-, BASF is well known for their global R&D team. With continued research and development into new technologies, products and chemical solutions, we lay the foundations for our customers’ long-term success.

    These products, technologies and solutions, under the Master Builders Solutions brand, maximize work productivity, durability and longevity and therefore sustainability in construction projects throughout the world. Leveraging the technologies and know-how available in BASF’s global R&D network, our innovations address the current and emerging needs of customers for projects concerning new construction, maintenance, repair and renovation of structures also in a local level.

    To read the mentioned editorial, please click here and go to page 41.