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    ​Hygienic industrial flooring solutions​ | Kenya

    ​Hygiene should be seen in the round. For the best results, you need the right equipment and cleaning procedures, but you also need hygienic working practices. The right floor will also help. Ucrete floors are dense and impermeable and make maintaining hygiene standards easier.

    As cleanable as stainless steel All Ucrete floors are dense and impervious throughout their thickness and have been shown to have the same levels of bacterial cleanability as stainless steel.

    Does not support biological growth

    Ucrete flooring is essentially inert, it is non-biodegradable and will not support bacterial or fungal growth. This is one of the reasons why Ucrete floors have been used throughout the pharmaceutical and food industries in environments requiring the highest standards of hygiene for many years.

    Cleaning regime

    Whatever the environment, good housekeeping will help keep your floors looking their best and help ensure that they provide a safe and attractive working environment.

    For the best results, mechanical cleaning equipment should be used, particularly on larger floors, and care taken to avoid aerosol formation.
    Cleaning guidelines are available from your local Master Builders Solutions expert.

    Without durability, there is no hygiene Failing floors are never hygienic. every crack, delamination and porosity in the floor enables bacteria to grow beyond the reach of cleaning. We make Ucrete floors as tough as possible to help you maintain hygiene standards without the need for ongoing maintenance 

    Certified hygiene

    Independent tests undertaken by Campden BRI in the UK demonstrate that Ucrete floors can be effectively sanitized to a standard comparable to stainless steel.

    In 2018, independent microbiological testing by the Polymer Institute (Germany) using the test organism Bacillus subtilis. 


    The tests show the efficacy of a range of industrial sanitizers on a Ucrete UD200 floor. There is no growth after 72 hours, even on the control using just water, demonstrating that Ucrete does not support biological growth, ensuring that the floor remains hygienic from the time of cleaning until production restarts. 

    Why seamless flooring?

    Joints are weak points in any floor. Ucrete floors need no joints except those present in the substrate concrete and we can advise on how to design out such joints to create a seamless hygienic floor. Tiled floors exhibit joints between the tiles which degrade over time, even when filled with epoxy grout, and open up when the floor is subject to hot water spillage, allowing bacteria to grow beyond the reach of cleaning.

    Tell us more about your project. Our technical and sales team will contact are here to support and provide the best industrial flooring solutions for your project.

    Contact us now