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    ​​Ucrete - Best industrial flooring solution in South Africa with excellent resistance to a broad spectrum of chemicals​

    Chemical resistance 

    Ucrete floors have excellent resistance to a broad spectrum of chemicals, including many that will rapidly degrade other types of resin flooring, such as many polyurethane cement systems. 

    Ucrete floors are unaffected by those compounds marked 'R' in the table, even after continuous long-term immersion. There are very few chemicals that will rapidly degrade Ucrete flooring. These are marked with 'NR' in the table. 

    Ucrete is suitable for use on floors in wet process areas, where chemicals marked 'L' in the table are employed, provided that reasonable standards of housekeeping are maintained. Note that if valves or pump seals start to leak they should be addressed, as the leakage results in a continuous immersion environment and surface erosion may occur. 

    Solvents may soften Ucrete on long-term immersion, but Ucrete will often recover when the solvent is removed and the floor is allowed to dry. In practice, most solvents evaporate before they do any damage. 

    A more extensive chemical resistance chart is available upon request. Discoloration may occur due to salt deposits, contaminants in solvents, strong dyes and strong acids. This does not affect the performance of the floor.

    Such effects are minimized by good housekeeping, especially if ponding is avoided and spillages are not allowed to evaporate to dryness on the floor. Effective cleaning regimes will enhance the life and appearance of your floor. The use of Ucrete CS floors with the colour-stable topcoat Ucrete TCCS will significantly reduce the amount of staining observed. 

    For specific advice of the chemical resistance of Ucrete floors, please contact your local Master Builders Solutions office.

    Chemicals in the food industry

    • Ucrete floors are resistant to the common food industry chemicals, for example
    • Acetic acid, 50%: As spirit vinegar widely used in the food industry for cleaning food contact surfaces.
    • Lactic acid, 30% at 60°C: Indicative of resistance to milk and dairy products.
    • Oleic acid, 100% at 60°C: Representative of the organic acids formed by oxidation of vegetable oils and animal fats widely encountered in the food industry.
    • Citric acid, 50%: Found in citrus fruits, representative of the wider range of fruit acids which rapidly degrade other resin floors.
    • Sodium hydroxide, 50% at 60°C: Widely used for cleaning and in CIP areas.
    Tell us more about your project. Our technical and sales team will contact are here to support and provide the best industrial flooring solutions for your project.

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