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    ​​Ucrete - Industrial flooring for pharmaceutical industry​ | Kenya

    Thinking pharmaceuticals

    Think functionality

    Pharmaceutical industry floors need to fulfill a number of complex functions. Above all, they must help ensure product quality and worker safety

    Clean rooms in which medicines are manufactured and packed must be sterile and dust free, which requires excellent cleanability of the floor.

    The cleaning qualities of Ucrete floors score highly here: being dense and impervious enables them to be cleaned to a standard comparable to stainless steel, making them an extremely hygienic solution for the pharmaceutical industry.

    But floors can only maintain their cleanability and hygienic properties if they resist the solvents, chemicals and the heavy abrasion from hard plastic and steel-wheeled traffic that are  widely encountered. Ucrete is renowned for its chemical resistance and durability, providing long-lived solutions, ensuring hygiene standards and minimizing maintenance for years to come. 

    Many pharmaceutical production areas involve work with extremely fine organic powders, creating the potential for dust explosions, while volatile organic compounds are also used widely, in processing and for cleaning and sanitizing.

    Consequently, the control of static electricity is a critical safety factor which is readily addressed using one of our range of Ucrete antistatic flooring solutions.

    From tanker reception areas and bunded stores, through processing to clean rooms and tableting halls, Ucrete flooring provides the appropriate floor to meet the diverse needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

    Typical fields of application

    For over 40 years Ucrete has been providing durable  floors throughout the pharmaceutical industry.

    For example, in primary and secondary manufacture, in wash bays, clean rooms, aseptic areas, grinding and blending, pilot plants and tableting facilities.

    Think aesthetics

    As an important part of daily life, a floor must not only be functional and economic, but should also be aesthetically pleasing – even in industrial facilities.

    Ucrete TZ floors demonstrate that even the toughest floor can look good!

    While having the mechanical and chemical performance that is expected from a Ucrete floor, Ucrete TZ has the aesthetics of a seamless terrazzo floor from cove to cove.

    It will withstand regular and routine discharges of boiling water and is resistant to solvents. An antistatic version is available.

    For specific advice on Ucrete TZ floors, please contact  your local Master Builders Solutions office.

