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    MasterCast 141 - Multi-purpose admixture for cementitious systems and bonding agent

    How does MasterCast 141 work?

    MasterCast 141 is a (SBR) styrene-butadiene copolymer latex specifically designed for use with cement compositions. It is used in mortar and concretes as an admixture to increase resistance to water penetration, improve abrasion resistance and durability. It is used with cement as a reliable water-resistant bonding agent.

    Which are MasterCast 141's common applications?

    MasterCast 141 has multiple uses including concrete repair, on floors, for external rendering, for waterproofing and tanking and for other applications.

    MasterCast 141 combined with cement produces an excellent adhesive; each component compliments theproperties of the other in this respect.​



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    construction chemicals distributors kenya nairobi master builders solutions

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