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    MasterLife SRA 50 - Expanding plasticising admixture for cementitious grout and concrete

    How does MasterLife SRA 50 work?

    MasterLife SRA 50 is an expansion system which compensates for plastic shrinkage and settlement in cementitious grouts and concrete. Supplied in powder form, MasterLife SRA 50 produces controlled expansion and maintains high water retention. It contains a waterreducing agent which increases the workability of the mix with a reduced water content. Full expansion is achieved before initial setting occurs resulting in a high degree of interfacial contact.

    What are the advantages of MasterLife SRA 50?

    • A cement plasticising and water reducing agent to improve the free flowing properties of the grout at low water/cement ratios.

    • An expanding agent that increases the volume of the grout or concrete which in turn eliminates shrinkage and settlement.

    • A catalyst to control the rate of expansion and to ensure full expansion of the grout or concrete. (For precision grouting and load bearing operations use MasterFlow grouts.)

    Where is MasterLife SRA 50 applied?

    Recommended for use in:

    • Ready-mixed or precast concrete structures requiring shrinkage and long term durability

    • Wet mix shotcrete

    • Mortars and grouts​

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