SikaControl®-71 AER (formerly known as MasterAir® 71) is an air entraining admixture for concrete to produce frost resistant concrete
Formerly Mischoel LP 71
What is and where to use MasterAir 71?
MasterAir 71 is an air-entraining admixture, which creates ultra-stable air bubbles that are strong, small and closely spaced. Those bubbles ensure that the concrete is able to withstand possible damages caused by frequent freezing-thawing.
How you will enjoy the benefits of MasterAir 71?
- Increased resistance to damage from freeze-thaw cycles and to scaling from de-icing salts;
- Reduced permeability - increased water tightness;
- Reduced segregation and bleeding;
- Improved plasticity and workability;
- Greatly improved stability of air entrainment;
- Improved air-void system in hardened concrete;