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    ​MasterAir 100 

    Air-entraining admixture for concrete 


    MasterAir 100 is an air-entraining admixture, which creates ultra-stable air bubbles that are strong, small and closely spaced. 

    Where is MasterAir 100 applied?

    • Normal mix designs
    • Low slump concrete
    • Concrete containing high carbon content fly ash
    • Concrete containing large amounts of fine materials
    • Concrete using high-alkali cements
    • High temperature concrete
    • Concrete with extended mixing times

    What are the advantages of MasterAir 100?

    MasterAir 100 is especially useful in the types of concrete known for their difficulty to entrain and maintain the air content desired. Entrainment of the optimum air content in concrete results in the following improvements to quality: 

    • Increased freeze / thaw resistance
    • Reduced permeability - increased watertightness
    • Reduced segregation and bleeding
    • Improved plasticity and workability
    • Increased resistance to scaling
    • Greatly improved stability of air entrainment.
    • Ready to use - solution is at optimum strength for accurate dispensing

    MasterAir 100 is compatible with concrete containing other admixtures or admixture systems - water-reducers, high-range water reducers, accelerators, retarders, densifiers and water repellents. It also increases the entrained air content of concrete made with air-entraining Portland Cement. 

    The use of MasterAir 100 with Master Builders Solutions admixtures forms a desirable combination for producing the highest quality, normal or lightweight concrete. 

    Info & price request

    Send us your enquiry and our sales team will contact you with an offer!


    MasterAir 100 TDS

    pdf (125,13 Kb)