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    Environmental Product Declaration - EPD - awarded for MasterFlow 9650 used in Offshore Wind Foundations​

    • ​MasterFlow 9650 verified to have 50% less CO2 emissions than the industry standard 
    • EPD according to common norms EN15804+A2 & ISO 14025/ ISO 21930
    • EPD validates significant contribution to better sustainability ratings of offshore wind farm projects

    MasterFlow 9650 – a rapid hardening, high-strength grout for offshore wind foundations from Master Builders Solutions®​ has recently received a third-party verified EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) disclosing the product’s environmental footprint. This certificate officially confirms that MasterFlow 9650 has 50% less embodied carbon dioxide than the industry standard, pure OPC-grout, when validated according to the common standards EN15804+A2 & ISO 14025/ ISO 21930. With this achievement, the product can make a significant contribution to higher sustainability scores of offshore wind farm installations.

    “We are proud that we have officially received the EPD for MasterFlow 9650, which differentiates us from the competition in the market”. Michael Fischer, Global Head of Offshore Wind-Turbine Grouts at Master Builders Solutions, said. “With this document, our customers can officially and, above all, transparently demonstrate that they are contributing to more sustainability with their offshore wind projects by using our structural grout solution MasterFlow 9650.”

    EPDs are internationally valid and used as a central basis for the sustainability assessment of construction in general. The assessment only contains neutral, objective and verified data on the environmental impact of a specific construction material, product or component. In the construction industry, EPDs form an essential basis for designers or investors enabling them to plan and evaluate construction projects holistically. Further, clients are able to easily showcase their sustainability efforts based on effectively verified data.

    About MasterFlow 9650
    MasterFlow 9650 is a high-strength bulk supplied grout for offshore wind foundations. It is especially formulated for foundations which are anchored to the seabed in boreholes. Due to its rapid hardening, the material is also ideally suited for grouting works in very short weather windows.
    MasterFlow 9650 is the first ever blended grout that comes with a Type Approval Certificate for load carrying rock socket grouted connections. The material is also suitable for load carrying cylindrical grouted connections like monopiles using bolted connections.

    More information about MasterFlow 9650 can be found at 

    ​About Master Builders Solutions
    Under the global umbrella brand Master Builders Solutions®, we offer advanced chemical solutions for the construction, maintenance, repair and renovation of structures. The brand is built on more than 100 years of experience in the construction industry. Our comprehensive portfolio encompasses concrete admixtures, cement additives, chemical solutions for underground construction, waterproofing systems, sealants, concrete repair & protection systems, performance grouts, and performance flooring systems as well as solutions for on- and offshore wind energy. To solve our customers’ specific construction challenges from conception through to completion of a project, we draw on our specialist know-how, regional expertise and the experience gained in countless constructions projects worldwide. We leverage global technologies and our in-depth knowledge of local building needs to develop innovations that help make our customers more successful and drive sustainable construction. We operate production sites and sales offices in more than 60 countries.

    About MBCC Group
    The MBCC Group is one of the leading suppliers of construction chemicals and solutions worldwide and has emerged from the carve-out of the former BASF Construction Chemicals business from BASF Group. We offer innovative and sustainable products and solutions for the construction industry across different sectors, such as buildings, structures, underground construction and new construction as well as for renovation. Our strong brands Master Builders Solutions®, PCI®, Thermotek®, Wolman®, Fire Protectors®, Colorbiotics®, Watson Bowman Acme®, TPH®, Bluey®, and Nautec™ are well established in the marketplace. With our innovations, we address sustainability challenges in the industry. MBCC Group consists of approximately 70 legal entities worldwide and is home to around 7,500 construction experts in over 60 countries. For more information go to: 

    We build sustainable performance.
