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    MasterTop 135 PG

    Pumpable & pourable mortar for flooring overlay.​


    MasterTop 135 PG is a ready-to-use, pumpable, pourable, screedable and high-strength cement based overlay for floors in indoor andoutdoor.
    MasterTop 135 PG is suitable for levelling rough and uneven concrete floors in a thickness layer from 5 - 15 mm. MasterTop 135 PG is formulated with sulphate resistant Portland cement, reinforced with PAN (polyacrylonitrile) fibers and mineral aggregates. MasterTop 135 PG has a low chromate content (Cr-VI) < 2 ppm on cement weight.


    MasterTop 135 PG is:
    • An economical, ready-to-use cement based flooring overlay, that hardens free of bleeding at following consistency: from flowable to high plastic.
    • A mortar that retains good workability for at least 30 minutes at 15 to 25°C.
    • Resistant to alkalinesurroundings
    • A ready-to-use product, water is added on site.
    • The use of a high-yield mortar pump (screw pump) allows the prepared product to be pumped without segregation.
    • Can simply be poured out and distributed.
    • The mortar will cure withoutblistering.


    MasterTop 135 PG is recommended for:
    • Use on rough concrete and cementitious floor screeds, as well as other suitablesubstrates.
    • Industrial floors with normal loading.
    • Where a mortar with high final strength similar in colour to concrete is desired.
    • Reprofiling of horizontal surfaces as industrial inside and outside floors, etc.
    • Use for exposure classes XC4, XF4, XD3, XA3 according to EN 206-1 (Concrete standard).​

    Technical Data Sheet​


    TDS_MasterTop 135 PG

    pdf (246.43 Kb)