MasterGlenium SKY 8520 – Engineered waterproof concrete admixture with super retention technology
What is MasterGlenium SKY 8520?
MasterGlenium SKY 8520 is a ready-to-use liquid admixture for use in concrete designed to disperse the cementitious components to minimise the capillaries in the matrix.
How does MasterGlenium SKY 8520 work?
MasterGlenium SKY 8520 has the property of reducing the amount of water required to produce a desired workability. In addition, it
prolongs the slump retention to over 2 hours and
reduces water permeability significantly over control.
What makes MasterGlenium SKY 8520 a unique solution?
MasterGlenium SKY 8520 is based on a highly concentrated, chloride-free integral waterproofing polymer with super retention technology.
The concrete becomes watertight and has
lower shrinkage potential due to the lower water content. The wide dispersion of cement particles also results in less agglomeration and more efficient potential for autogenously healing of fine cracks due to progressive hydration even after 28 days.
Read more about MasterGlenium SKY in our brochure
Recommended uses of MasterGlenium SKY 8520
MasterGlenium SKY 8520 is recommended for use in any concrete structure which requires water-tightness such as:
- Deep basement
- Tunnels, underpasses, station boxes
- Water retaining structures, swimming pools, water tanks, water reservoirs
- Foundations, piles and pile caps
- Jetty, quay, piers and wharfs
- Bridge or parking decks
- Concrete below ground on reclaimed land and landfill sites
- Wastewater treatment plants and desalination plants
Good impermeability increase the durability of a building structure
MasterGlenium SKY 8520 enables concrete of the lowest permeable voids (<5%). This helps in achieving greater durability for the building structures through reduction of permeability, water absorption and resistance to chloride and sulphate attacks. It minimizes the risk of non-structural cracks and lower long term shrinkage.
MasterGlenium SKY 8520 produces highly flowable yet stable concrete mix that allows the material to be placed quickly and efficiently whilst ensuring consistency. The consistent workability of the concrete enables placement and finishing leading to easier operations, less wastage and time savings.
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