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    ​​​​​​Residential Building Project References

    Dayton Towers - Far Rockaway, New York

    Dayton Towers is a cooperative of seven, twelve story buildings in Far Rockaway, New York. Age and exposure to salt laiden sea air created conditions that caused the balconies and window seals to leak. This resulted in the corrison of the reinforcing steel and created unsafe conditions.  The project involved the restoration of 180,000 square feet of balconies spanning all seven buildings and was the largest restoration project in New York City during 2013.  In the midst of construction, Hurricane Sandy devastated the entire New York area, including the construction site. Materials, equipment and job progress were all under several feet of water. View the complete project profile.

    Three Palms Point - St. Pete, Florida

    Three Palms Point is a community on St. Pete Beach, Florida which includes two 13-story condominiums that were built in 1974. 48-year-old high-rise structures facing the Gulf of Mexico will invariably suffer the ravages of time, salt-water breezes, and significant rain and humidity.These challenges made Three Palms Point a case study in what Master® Builders Solutions products can do to restore worn and damaged exterior structures and protect them going forward.​ Read more.​