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    ​​​6 Reasons to Work with a Single Manufacturer for the Building Envelope

    When it comes to building materials and manufactures the architectural and design community has many options when designing and specifying for a new construction or restoration project. In some cases, you may prefer to assemble a set of products from a variety of manufacturers’ but working with a single manufacturer could save you a headache or two down the line. Here are six reasons to work with a single manufacturer for the entire building envelope.

    1. ​Comprehensive solutions – choosing solutions that are fully integrated cuts down your time spent reviewing compatibility. Master Builders Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of products to meet the building envelope requirements, including sealants, wall coatings, concrete repair and corrosion, water repellents, deck membranes​, air barriers, waterproofing, wall systems.
    2. Testing – manufacturers heavily invest in testing products to ensure products meet or exceed performance, seamlessly work together and comply with the latest building codes and regulations. Master Builders Solutions makes this valuable performance data readily available on our website for architects and designers. 
    3. Warranty – working with a single manufacturer means your project is covered under a single-source manufacturer warranty. You don’t have to be a ping pong ball among multiple manufacturers to troubleshoot and resolve issues. This means peace-of-mind for you and the building owner. With a single manufacturer warranty from Master Builders Solutions, you can feel confident in the products and who you’re working with.
    4. Training and continuing education – with a wide range of continuing education opportunities specifically design for architects and designers, you can stay ahead of innovative technologies and earn AIA credit. Additionally, Master Builders Solutions offers product application training and education for contractors to support proper product application techniques and reduce the possibility for problems or call backs in the future.
    5. Digital content and tools – as the construction industry continues to recognize value in digital tools and platforms to increase efficiency and reduce rework, manufacturers are recognizing the need and creating digital content to support the transformation, such as Building Information Modeling  and Aesthetic Visualization Tools. Master Builders Solutions is committed to advancing Virtual Design & Construction​ and Building Information Modeling.
    6. Sustainability – increasingly a core objective for many architects and designs, manufacturers continually evaluate their product portfolio with an emphasis on innovative solutions that restore and increase longevity, while reducing environmental impact and increasing energy efficiency. Sustainable construction is a core focus for Master Builders Solutions.

    The construction industry faces many challenges today from labor shortages to rising costs, selecting a single manufacturer for your building envelope needs can significantly help you reduce complexity, increase efficiency and allow you to build with confidence.